Smith Creek Baptist Church
9312 N. Congress Street PO Box 99 New Market, VA 22844 540.740.8560
Welcome! Thank you for visiting our site!
We are a fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ, joined together by faith in Him, and who upon profession of faith are baptized (immersed) in obedience to His will.
We want to exalt the Savior, to edify and encourage the saints, and to evangelize the sinner.
We hope you will come to visit and that you will find Smith Creek a home to you. We want to provide a warm, friendly, and nurturing place to grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Service Times:
Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer 7:00 PM
Nursery for 2 years and under is available for all services.
9312 N. Congress Street PO Box 99 New Market, VA 22844 540.740.8560
(Parking available in the back, around the block, on John Sevier Road)

LISTEN to Pastor Hockema read This Day in Baptitst History on local radio WOTC, 88.3 Edinburg, VA or translator 94.7 Harrisonburg, VA. at 4:30 Monday through Saturday, and 4:45 on Sunday.
If you miss a day, you can hear the Week in Review on Saturdays at 3:15 and Sundays at 4:15.
The times are approximate, and could vary as much as 7 minutes before the stated time.
Smith Creek Regular Baptist Church, its history and some preachers are featured in the Series.
WOTC "Winning Others To Christ" is part of the ministry of Valley Baptist Church in Edinburg, VA.
This Day in Baptist History Vol 1, Dr. E. Wayne Thompson and Dr. David L. Cummins
Recorded by permission of Bob Jones University Press
This Day in Bapitst History Vol 2, Dr. David L. Cummins and Dr. E. Wayne Thompson
Recorded by permission of Bob Jones University Press
This Day in Baptist History Vol 3, Dr. David L. Cummins, editor
Recorded by permission of Mrs. David Cummins.
Learn what happened today, and Learn a lesson from This Day in Baptist History!